I have some great news to report in my bi-monthly update of my blog. I just found out recently that I was accepted into the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista California once again! I was very relieved to get this news, as I have been anticipating the opportunity for the past few months. I feel very fortunate to be able to return there once again and train. I can tell you now that it will make life much easier for me not having to worry about paying monthly rent on an apartment and spending a large amount of money on groceries monthly as well. I will be sad to leave Minnesota once again, but my excitement over the opportunity to be trained by excellent coaches and train with top athletes in the country outweighs the sadness.
With my move coming up it also means that my In The Arena service will come to an end here in Minneapolis. Today will be my last day at the Boys and Girls Club of Southside Village. It will be hard to say goodbye to the kids and teenagers there. I've only been there for a few months but I have enjoyed going there on a daily basis. I been putting in long hours at the club hanging out with the kids and getting to know them better. I will miss reading with the kids, shooting pool, playing board games or even just running around outside. I intend to stay in touch with the club. The people who work full time at the club have been great to work with and excellent mentors in the profession of working with youth. It isn't always easy to be a volunteer, but it is a rewarding experience.
This next week I will spend packing up my apartment and getting things situated for my long road trip to Southern California. I will get some good quality time in with my girlfriend before she leaves for Lake Placid, New York to start her bobsled season. It will be difficult to be on opposite sides of the country no doubt. A few weeks ago I had the chance to travel up to Calgary, Ontario and check out a bobsled training camp. It was a pretty sweet trip and cool experience to see how bobsledders train. I came away with a greater appreciation for what they do and a better idea of what my girl friend does. I will hopefully get a chance this season to watch her compete at the World Cup Championships in Lake Placid.
I plan to continue my community service in Chula Vista, California once I am situated at the training center and have my training routine set. I have really enjoyed working at the Boys and Girls Club so I would like to continue my volunteer service at another club location in Chula Vista.
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