Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Valentines Blog

This blog is not going to be about Valentines, so you can keep reading...I am just writing the blog on the big V day.

I am now situated, well mostly situated, in Colorado Springs. I have officially been here for one week. Everyday has been packed and busy as it should be. It feels weird to me living in the real world since I have been living in a training center for the past year and a half, but I am enjoying it. The one thing that is a wake up call though is spending money again on an apartment, food, and other things that sustain life. I have been trying to be as thrifty as possible, and I'm actually enjoying it. I'm hoping I am creating some good habits on getting by with only what I need. I have been frequenting thrift stores and bargain stores, I might never pay full price for something again. Maybe I'm going over board, but you can really save a lot of money if you try.

Right now I don't have a t.v. That's ok though, I shouldn't be watching that much anyways. Yeah I'm missing the Olympics, but I guess I'll just have to watch highlights on the computer. I just got the Internet yesterday which is probably one of those things that I don't really need, but when I think about it, I do. I would have no way of knowing how to get around my new city without maps, and google maps are a life saver! If I didn't have the Internet I wouldn't be able to update my blog unless I went to an Internet cafe...and I am not an Internet cafe type.

Anyways, life is good simplified I'm finding out.

To prevent myself from living in a tent I need to work. Since I am in a new town I decided to check out volunteering opportunities and continue with my In The Arena project. I contacted the local YMCA about any volunteer opportunities they may have and I was happy to find out they were looking for help. On Friday I had a hour and a half long interview/tour of the YMCA and it is quite an impressive place. I still have some paper work to go through before I can officially become a volunteer. Hopefully everything will be a go and I'll have more to update on within the In The Arena scope of things.

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